
photo credit: sister
You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down.
-Mary Pickford -
i absolutely love this quote. fresh starts are..well...refreshing. they are inevitable because change is inevitable. some love 'em and others hate 'em. regardless of where on that spectrum you fall, they jump start you out of routine and force you to have a new perspective. the only failure is in being unwilling to embrace what's next and instead, stubbornly dragging your heels through the mud.

i, for one, love fresh starts. quite enamored with spontaneity and all things 'whimsy' (hence the blog name), change is revitalizing because it reminds me that opportunity awaits and that i am not stuck in a rut.

i have decided to start my third blog not only because of frustrations and troubles with my previous site but also because it gives me a blank slate; an opportunity to reinvent. the creative part of me lunges at the chance to generate something new and different from what was done before. there is nothing so inspiring...

so....welcome! i hope you enjoy the facelift!

1 comment:

  1. Love the name, and love the beautiful textile background!
